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GR8 Events specializes in corporate events, brand activations, and digital experiences, to ensure each event is unique, impactful, and executed flawlessly. We live and breathe experiences—our hearts race when we step into a venue, when the lights come on, and the magic begins.

Featured work


Transforming ideas into memorable, immersive event experiences.

Event planning and on-site event management

Creative event design, styling and theming

Venue sourcing and supplier management

Audiovisual concept development, production and execution

Entertainment and speaker management

Team building and interactive experiences

Sustainable event options

Budget management and cost optimization

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Event experience crafters

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Amplifying your brand's presence through unforgettable experiences

Concept development and cohesive design narratives

Brand strategy and creative identity design

Decor, 2D and 3D visual design, and stage concepts

Content creation, copywriting, and Video production

Motion Graphics, video editing, and sound design

Guest experience design

Integrated communication strategies

Onsite branding and content amplification

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Creative hub

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Turning visions into reality with cutting-edge technology

Hybrid and virtual event solutions

Custom web development for events and brand activations

Accreditation and custom event software solutions

Event apps and gamification

Technological tailor-maid solutions

Virtual reality and augmented reality experiences

Artificial intelligence applied to events

Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, and GDPR compliance for events

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Innovation Lab

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Local expertise that crafts authentic experiences capturing the essence of Portugal

Destination expertise in Portugal

Custom itinerary planning

Transportation solutions and logistics

Accommodation arrangements

Cultural tours, sightseeing activities and entertaining experiences

Venue and restaurant finding

Budget management and cost optimization

Local supplier coordination and on-site group management

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Destination management architects

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Portugal awaits your next event!
Find out why
Clients that trust us

European Airlines Training Symposium

"We contacted GR8 Events a few weeks before a very big congress. It was a big challenge, but the team was fantastic and we couldn't be happier with the partnership! Many congratulations, besides being great professionals, they are also incredible people! Thank you for helping to make the event a success."

“Entramos em contato coma G8events umas semanas antes de um congresso muito grande, o desafio era grande, mas e equipe foi fantástica não podemos perder star mais contentes com a parceria! Muitos parabéns alem de ótimos profissionais também são pessoas incríveis! Obrigada pela ajuda no sucesso do evento.”


TRI UPRT and MPL SME - Training Consultant EATS Organization

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Clients that Trust Us

European Airlines Training Symposium

"We contacted GR8 Events a few weeks before a very big congress. It was a big challenge, but the team was fantastic and we couldn't be happier with the partnership! Many congratulations, besides being great professionals, they are also incredible people! Thank you for helping to make the event a success."

“Entramos em contato coma G8events umas semanas antes de um congresso muito grande, o desafio era grande, mas e equipe foi fantástica não podemos perder star mais contentes com a parceria! Muitos parabéns alem de ótimos profissionais também são pessoas incríveis! Obrigada pela ajuda no sucesso do evento.”


TRI UPRT and MPL SME - Training Consultant EATS Organization

Clients that Trust Us


"APEL found in GR8 a partner who rose to the challenge of renewing the Lisbon Book Fair website.
We are pleased to recognise the technical expertise and capacity for innovation that went into the project, which reflects GR8's commitment to the client and, in this case, resulted in the development of a digital experience in line with the expectations of the site's users, as well as visitors to the event."

“A APEL encontrou na Gr8 um parceiro que correspondeu ao desafio proposto para a renovação do site da Feira do Livro de Lisboa.
É com apreço que reconhecemos a competência técnica e a capacidade de inovação entregues ao projeto, que refletem o compromisso da Gr8 com o cliente e que, no caso, traduziu-se no desenvolvimento de uma experiência digital alinhada com as expetativas dos utilizadores do site, assim como dos visitantes do evento.”


Secretário-Geral da APEL

Clients that Trust Us


"We were delighted to work with GR8 at SIL (Salão Imobiliário de Portugal 2023 [Real Estate Show Portugal 2023]), an annual event of special importance to SOLYD because it provides a valuable opportunity to establish direct contact with potential clients, investors and strategic partners.
This collaboration not only enriched our participation, but also allowed us to effectively reinforce our brand positioning. Working with GR8 is synonymous with practicality, innovation and excellence!"

“Foi com muita satisfação que trabalhámos com a GR8 no SIL - Salão Imobiliário de Portugal 2023, um evento anual de especial importância para a SOLYD porque proporciona uma valiosa oportunidade de estabelecer contato direto com potenciais clientes, investidores e parceiros estratégicos.
Esta colaboração não apenas enriqueceu a nossa participação, mas também permitiu que reforçássemos de maneira efetiva o nosso posicionamento de marca. Trabalhar com a GR8 é sinónimo de praticidade, inovação e excelência!”


Equipa de Marketing e Vendas da SOLYD Property Developers

Clients that Trust Us


"Creativity, irreverence, professionalism, the ability to adapt and collaborate in an agile context, but with the capacity to deliver and the enormous quality of the end result. This is what we can expect from working with GR8.
The experience couldn't have been better and the entire eBUPi team recognizes these skills and abilities of the GR8 team we worked with as a critical success factor. The focus and determination put into the project in total alignment with our team was the differentiating element. We can only thank them for all their commitment and energy, because this partnership could have been only excellent, but no, it was in fact GR8."

"Criatividade, irreverência, profissionalismo, capacidade de adaptação e de colaboração num contexto ágil, mas com capacidade de entrega e de enorme qualidade do resultado final. É isto que podemos esperar ao trabalhar com a GR8.
A experiência não podia ter sido melhor e toda a equipa da eBUPi reconhece como fator crítico de sucesso estas competências e capacidades da equipa da GR8 com a qual trabalhámos. O foco e determinação colocado no projeto em total alinhamento com a nossa equipa foi o elemento diferenciador. Apenas podemos agradecer por todo esse empenho e energia, porque esta parceria podia ter sido apenas excelente, mas não, foi mesmo GR8."


Coordenador Adjunto na eBUPi

Clients that Trust Us

Cunha Vaz & Associados

"Like many people, we asked for a ‘turnkey event’. And then we asked for changes, and then others, and more ideas, and less costs, and plenty of problems. We forgot about the said ‘key’, what we really needed was what GR8 gave us: a hand that understood us, that built, that searched, found, solved and delivered. And, as if all that wasn't extraordinary enough, our event was exceptional. Professional and humanly irreproachable, as is only possible when carried out by a helping hand."

“Como muitos, pedimos um evento “chave na mão”. E depois pedimos alterações, e depois outras, e mais ideias, e menos custos, e bastantes problemas. Esquecemos a dita “chave”, o que realmente precisámos foi o que a GR8 nos deu: uma mão que nos percebeu, que construiu, que procurou, encontrou, resolveu e entregou. E, como se isso tudo não fosse já extraordinário, o nosso evento foi excepcional. Profissional e humanamente irrepreensível, como só é possível quando realizado por uma mão amiga.”


Founder e CEO da Cunha Vaz & Associados

Clients that Trust Us

Jornais Construir e Publituris

"Producing an event with GR8 is synonymous with joy, energy, efficiency and tranquillity. This last adjective is very important when we leave our brands in the hands of those we trust. A problem is a solution and that's worth gold."

“Produzir um evento com GR8 é sinónimo de alegria, energia, eficácia e tranquilidade. Este último adjectivo revela-se muito importante, quando deixamos as nossas marcas nas mãos de quem confiamos. Um problema é uma solução e isso vale ouro.”


Diretora Comercial

Clients that Trust Us

IEFP - Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional

"Working with the ‘Greats’ was a pleasant and safe experience. Their friendliness, knowledge and willingness to act at any time, according to need, without hesitation or reluctance, gives us the assurance that they are reliable and efficient partners. Really good job."

“Trabalhar com as “Greats” foi uma experiência agradável e segura. A sua simpatia, conhecimentos e disponibilidade para agir a cada momento, de acordo com a necessidade, sem hesitações ou relutância, dá-nos a segurança de serem parceiras confiáveis e eficientes. Muito bom trabalho.”


Coordenador do Núcleo Worldskills Portugal

Clients that Trust Us

ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas

"If I were asked to define GR8 in one sentence, I would paraphrase Fernando Pessoa: ‘Man dreams, the work is born'. This is how we feel when we prepare, discuss and materialize an event with GR8, be it for 10, 100 or 1000 people. A dream has no limits, and neither does GR8. Do you think I'm exaggerating? Put them to the test."

“Se me pedissem para numa frase apresentar a GR8, parafraseava Fernando Pessoa. “O Homem sonha, a obra nasce”. É assim que nos sentimos quando preparamos, discutimos e materializamos com a GR8 um evento, seja ele de 10, 100 ou 1000 pessoas. Um sonho não tem limites, a GR8 também não. Acham que estou a exagerar? Ponham os á prova.”


Vice-presidente do ICNF